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Trip to Vilnius

On November 5th, the Pagėgiai Algimantas Mackus Gymnasium students, accompanied by foreign language teachers, travelled to Vilnius. This trip was special because teachers invited students to take part in a non-traditional English lesson that took place at the Lithuanian Russian Drama Theatre in Vilnius. The participants of the lesson watched the play "Romeo and Juliet" created by William Shakespeare's tragedy. During the performance, students not only remembered the unlucky story of the love of two young people but also enriched their English vocabulary, as the actors spoke English. Later, the surprise was waiting for the tourists - an excursion to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. After strict checking of documents and checkpoints, the guides introduced the students the history of the House of Parliament, told about the peculiarities of the work of members of the Seimas working there, took through the cozy corridors of the palace. The pupils were especially impressed with the stained glass "Sparks of Zalgiris" and "The Feast" decorating the Chamber of the Seimas. Travelers visited the historic March 11th Act Room, where members of the Seimas meet in ceremonial meetings dedicated to the main events of the history of our country. The students also examined the chamber of Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas, the Lithuanian Council and the Constitution, for various conferences and meetings. It was especially interesting to see the new Chamber of Seimas, where our current government is working. When we visited the first, second and third chambers of the Seimas, we all met in the Press Conference Hall, where Ričardas Juška, a member of the Seimas, was waiting for the Ambassadors. He was glad to welcome his countrymen in the Seimas, told about himself, his ties with Pagėgiai and presented his activities. A member of the Seimas donated to each participant of the tour a pen. During this trip, the students not only had time to have fun but also saw, heard and learned a lot. They improved the knowledge of English, Lithuanian history and political science, developed the skills of communication and cooperation and enriched their treasures of invaluable experience.

The article is written by Lithuanian teacher Loreta Skvirbienė

The article is translated by English teacher Aušra Andriekienė

 Trip to Poland 

Our school organised a tour to Poland. We were sightseeing in Magdeburg's castle and Stutthofs concentration camp. It was a long trip and we travelled for about 10 hours. The first we had to see were Stutthofs concentration camp. The atmosphere in there was absolutely terrifying. Things we saw around us were shocking. The camp was full of memories about holocaust. After that, we went to one of the biggest cities in Poland - Gdansk. There our guide told a bit about that city, its life style and the story. Afterwards we went to the hotel where we had a lot of fun. Next morning we drove to Magdeburg's castle. It was not so exiting because it was really similar to Trakai castle. This was an outstanding journey, we have learned a lot.

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